CTC Louisville, Colorado, Boulder County manufacturing, office and warehouse space for lease and purchase

Colorado Technology Center Location and Maps

Driving Directions to CTC Park:

From Denver International Airport.

Depart airport on Pena Blvd. Approximately one mile to northbound E-470 tollway. Follow tollway approximately 26 miles to its end at 96th street (first stoplight) turn right on 96th street and go north 1.5 miles to Dillon Rd. turn right (East) and cross the RR tracks and on your left is the south entrance to the park.

From Downtown Denver.

Take I-25 north to US 36 at mile #217. Take US-36 west toward Boulder approximately 11 miles to 96th street also known as Storage Tech Drive. Turn north about ¾ mile to last stoplight before the tollway, turn left onto 96th street and go north 1.5 miles to Dillon Road, turn East and cross the RR tracks and on your left is the south entrance to the park.

Note: The south side of US 36, and Storagetech Dr. is the Flatirons Crossing shopping mall where there are several hotels, restaurants and all types of shopping.

From Boulder.

Take Broadway south to eastbound Table Mesa Dr. which turns into South Boulder Rd. or, US-36 to the south side of town to South Boulder Rd. Take South Boulder Rd. east approx. 7 miles into Louisville to CO #42. Turn South on #42 (a.k.a. 95th Street), one mile where CO #42 turns East at the stoplight, continue East 1 ¼ miles to the North entrance of the park, CTC Blvd. Or one block further east to 104th street at the stoplight which is the eastern edge of the park.




Campus Map (pdf) (click to enlarge)

High Level Map (click to enlarge)

Aerial Map (click to enlarge)


Colorado Tech Center, Louisville, Boulder County